Friday, February 1, 2013

Oh, But I Am So Excited!

OH, But I Am So Excited!

I knew that Aromatherapy was something that I wanted to pursue.  However, the normal questions arose when I was looking for schools:  What school to choose?  What certification do I want?  What learning style do I really want to follow?

First, let me clarify.  Aromatherapy certifications have no stature within the US.  As horrible as that sounds, it's true.  The FDA cannot and will not regulate and/or provide research for essential oils.  Essential oils are not in their purview.   This is also why disclaimers are used for people making essential oil salves, butters, lotions, tonics, etc.  Aromatherapists are required by law NOT to use certain verbiage.  "Cure" and "Heal" are two examples.

This being said, certification does have merit.  It means, to me, that a person put time, money and effort into learning something.  So....that's exactly what I did.  I found the school that I wanted, the one that was in sync with myself, and I took the class and passed the final exam.  Whoop!  Whoop!  I am so excited.