Saturday, January 5, 2013

Me And My Olfactory


I grew up as a US Military brat.  I have lived in Germany for a little less than half of my life.  I have fond memories of backereis, metzgereis, and apothocaries.  I loved walking to the downtown Market and smelling all of the beautiful fragrances of fresh baked breads, lovely cheeses, meats, fresh flowers, honey and herbs.  What I loved even more are the Christmas Markets with fresh gluhwein, roasting wursts, beer and cold, crisp air.

When we would visit our relatives, I remember walking into my grandmother's, aunt's or cousin's home in Santa Fe, New Mexico and know that fresh posole, green or red chile,  tortillas and biscochitos were being made.  The smells of garlic, onion, cumin, oregano, anise, cinnamon and chile played a dominant role in my life.

I guess you could say that the Markets of Europe and my relative's homes in New Mexico played a strong factor with my olfactory system.

I have a strong affinity for herbs, aromatherapy, massage and as- natural-as-can-be products.  When I started having children of my own, I realized that I wanted natural care for them, this included the medicines I was giving them.  I would always do a taste test first.  If I couldn't stand the way it tasted, or the medicine made my feet curl, I couldn't give it to my children.

(Super side note:  I am absolutely grateful that I live in the era that I do.  Modern Medicine is amazing,  fascinating and immensely helpful; however, for common dis-eases, such as a cold, heartburn, and/or skin irritants, I don't subscribe to allopathic medicine.)

I've been studying aromatherapy for about fifteen years; however, I am taking certification classes so that I will be as knowledgeable as Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D., Robert Tisserand, Dr. Jean Valnet, MD, Valerie Ann Worwood.  These people, to me, are the catalysts of aromatherapy being accepted as a  scientifically-endorsed arena.

Aromatherapy and Herbology walk hand in hand.  Since the majority of essences come from herbs, it makes sense to me to learn as much about herbs as well.  I am working on getting my Master Herbalist certification.

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